Reading Journal

  • Title: What makes a great teacher?
  • Summary: Test scores were evaluated of kids in Washington DC and Obama’s secretary of education compared them. She found that based off the teacher the kids had impacted their test scores. She looked at one school in particular and found that the kids who had Mr. Taylor for math had increased their test score drastically. She noticed kids went form below average to above average just in one year. Why is that? She noticed that Mr. Taylor cared about his students as people too and he was young and brought a lot of energy everyday. They decided to find good teachers it would be by test scores which I do not agree with at all.
  • Surprising: The new education system for young learners judges a teacher on their ability based off of one test.
  • Writing Style: I may have not agreed with the things in the reading, but I did notice the way the writer transitioned from paragraph to paragraph. The transitions flowed nicely and it all made sense the way the information was put into the reading. Also, I did notice a lot of evidence was expressed in the article which backed up all of the writers points.
  • Rating: 6/10 side way thumb because I did not agree with it and it made me mad.

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